The Jester's Introduction

Hello, my name is Jessie, or as I 'try' to be known online 'Jester5537'.

I've wanted to start a blog for a while now. I wanted it to be a blog I control, not one of those Blogspot blogger things. I wanted to be able to do anything I wanted or at least have the option to learn to do what I wanted.

It was not that long before I realized getting a personal website with a sub-domain blog setup and working EXACTLY how I want is difficult with the limited web experience I have.

At one point I asked on devRant what the community opinion on a blog was. many helpful people gave me ideas and advice. I even went so far as to start a Gatsby type blog from a template one person @wackOverflow linked me to.

I got that up and running (sorta -> but I didn't want to waste time keeping it up or managing actual site code when inevitably something updates and breaks. So before I even finished transforming the template I dropped the idea.

I also I realized with all the random projects I do as well as work I'm spreading myself a little too thin to gain a proper understanding of anything I was doing, I knew very minimal js, was learning to react, now teaching myself gatsby, was improving c# and dotnet at work, utilizing java and selenium in a personal project outside of work, and recently started experimenting with batch, bash, and PowerShell scripting in preparation for trying automation on the home server I plan to set up once I finalize moving into my first after college home.

So a lot of stuff, very many interests, but no real foundation in much if any of it. Then I found HashNode. A forever free platform for blogging and no ad's so anyone can find my blog and not hate it due to ads other platforms might throw on. I was sold.

I signed up a few days ago and have been looking around and bookmarking other people's articles I find interesting while trying to get the motivation and courage to post this. I know it sucks but I hope as I continue trying blog I'll get better and I hope people who read this will be willing to leave advice or just comment on cool things I should look into that might help me get better or find better grounding in topics I put on my blog and help me become both a better blogger, as well as a better developer.

I originally wrote this to go on the Netlify blog built-in Gatsby but I instead re-wrote it for here, so if it seems weirdly written I apologize.

Real quick before I go, how do I do images?
